
.terrarium a la EDDIE ROSS.

.Soooo, I saw a terrarium on Eddie Ross's awesome blog and have been wanting to make one ever since.
.I got the vase from Jo Ann's Fabrics (oddly enough) and the moss, mushroom, clover plant and fern from my mother-in-law's awesome garden. The other ground covering is not moss, I completely forget the name of it but I bought it at Schartner's Farm. After I see how it grows I will eventually add something with color, but first I want to see the fern grow a little bigger.


Unknown said...

Looks Great!!!!!!!

Will said...

It came out great. Nice work! I love the vase and the plants are really very green. Any four leaf clovers in there ? lol :)

Unknown said...

Thanks to both of you will & jaithan... no four leaf clovers yet!